The black press is our voice, all members are required to purchase a subscription to the black press.
If we have our own businesses, banks we can hire our own therefore ending generational poverty.
To Promote Social, Economic and Political Empowerment for People of Color
We support our black press, environment, public education, HBCU, healthcare, GOTV, grassroots community, economic development , reparations, faith community, social and political empowerment for people of color.
We have only one life and one planet, once is it gone it cannot be replaced.
We must protect our planet.
All citizens should have affordable healthcare.
Lack of Healthcare is a disregard for humanity,
Voting is a constitutional right not a privilege we should no longer vote for a political party that wants black votes but not black issues or black candidates
The right to vote took the sacrifice of many and we should not take it lightly.
We have the best educational institutions in the country, that need our support.
Our HBCU are the legacy of excellence passed from our ancestors, fore-parents.
All students require a quality education, we must make our state/local legislation accountable, because we are taxpayers.
In addition we must educate our own, whenever possible because our system has failed our black youth.
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